After the Master in Sustainable Food Packaging (2022) and the postgraduate Food Packaging (2023), Ghent University will launch its third programme related to sustainable food packaging in 2024.
‘Now there should be something for everyone’ says Ewout Ramon, coordinator of the programmes. ‘The master’s programme was the starting shot, developed with support from the Flemish government, and partly aimed at people from industry. We designed it as flexibly as possible, with a modular structure, and to be taken up over several years. But of course it remains a 60-credit master’s programme, including a thesis, we can’t ignore that.’
‘From industry, the question soon came up whether we couldn’t offer something more ‘manageable’. Fewer credits, and with a focus on one of the subfields. On that, we developed the postgraduate ‘Food Packaging’, where participants choose to focus on either food, materials or sustainability. The programme is light enough that it is easier to combine with a job. Of course, there are differences with the courses in the master’s programme, but the content is virtually the same. Most of these students follow the lessons together. We find that this cross-pollination between recent graduates, professionals and international students works and is very much appreciated’.
‘But two types of courses, also proved not enough’ Ramon continues. ‘Again, we got a lot of requests for another formula, this time from the corner of fresh graduates. They were keen to do further study and immerse themselves in sustainable packaging, but, a postgraduate course of 20 credits seemed too little for them to take on as full-time students, and yet another master’s course they were not keen on, especially because of the thesis. So we decided to make a final effort and combine the best of both worlds by offering a third programme: all postgraduate subjects, combined with an extensive internship. Together accounting for 45 credits. This way, students can immerse themselves in the subject matter in a holistic way, and get a taste of the real business world.’
‘Au fond the different courses revolve around the same thing’ Ramon says when asked what the courses are about. ‘It’s about the crucial role packaging plays in the food industry, and in reducing our carbon footprint. Producers, consumers and governments attach increasing importance to it. Being able to keep a food product for longer reduces food waste, but the material needed to ensure the longest possible shelf life is therefore not the most sustainable. Conversely, the most durable material may not have the best effect on the food in terms of food safety or quality. In this way, every food product has its own issue: which material and technology do we best use to maximise shelf life, guarantee quality, be cost-efficient, sustainable and safe? These issues are at the heart of the courses.’
The new postgraduate programme Sustainable Food Packaging Solutions, together with the other two programmes, will start on 20 September 2024. More info on the various programmes at