You can get information from exhibitors quickly and easily using our Smart Badge technology.
Here’s how to use your visitor badge:
At every stand you will see one or more green signs. If you’re interested in an exhibitor and/or their products, touch your Smart Badge (visitor badge) against the reader on the green sign. You’ll know your action was successful if you hear a beep and a green light shows on the reader.
The day after your visit you will receive a single email giving an overview of all the information you collected, plus some recommendations from exhibitors that may also be of interest to you.
The advantages for you:
Your Smart Badge is your virtual carrier bag during your visit to the fair. There’s no more need to carry heavy brochures and catalogues around with you or take notes.
You will know exactly which stands you have visited. Afterwards you will receive an email with a useful summary of your visit.
No spam. You will only receive digital information from exhibitors you have shown an interest in.
Entrez en contact sans effort avec les exposants, les conférenciers & les visiteurs pertinents pour vous. Consultez le plan et le programme du salon et optimisez ainsi votre visite du salon !
Connect effortlessly with exhibitors, speakers & visitors relevant to you. View the exhibition plan and program and thus optimize your exhibition visit!